Implementing Campaign Manager - External Integrations

Starting The Select Documents Transformation Using Spoon


  1. Use Action > Run to start the job.
  2. Specify the UI Parameters for this job. For example:
    1. Sample server location:
    2. Sample Token: 78778079-8344-4764-bc78-711ebd8f0499.
    3. Sample Search String: 'kev'.
  3. Click Launch to start the job.
    1. Select Docs step: this step makes a JSON API call to read the list of documents and return the predefined set of fields.
    2. Text Output step: this step writes all of the columns returned from the previous step to a text file for visual assessment.
  4. The Execution Results pane opens. Select the Step Metrics tab and the Logging tab to view information about the step's progress.
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